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The Legend of the Lough

You've arrived at the final installation of Fíoruisce, here at the Lough

Mortal, heed the lessons of the past, for they echo in the present.


A dhuine dhaonna, tabhair aird ar na seana scéalta mórálta seo mar bíonn macalla dóibh san lá atá inniu ann.

The tale of Fíoruisce is a mirror reflecting the timeless struggle between humanity and hubris. Kings and Queens, bound by duty, must listen to the whispers of their people. For to turn away from the people is to invite catastrophe. The Lough, a living testament to this ancient lore, holds secrets waiting to be unveiled. Did you see any of our fairy people along your journey? Don’t worry, we saw you!


You are now about to hear Act 3, beware of the fairy music, you may be dragged to the underworld! Scan the QR Code on your phone to access Act 3. Read on to learn about who you are listening to on John Spillane’s hugely ambitious concept album.


The music you are listening to features the voices of some of the most talented folk and sean nós singers of the age including Ríoghnach Connolly, Eoghan Ó Ceannabháin, Niamh Farrell, Nell Ní Chróinín, John Spillane himself of course, and more. The album was recorded in Wavefield Studios in Clonakilty and produced by Brian Casey. The backing music, ambient, driving and soaring depending on what scene you are listening to was created by Brian, Aisling Urwin on harp, Alan Doherty on flutes and whistles, Billy Mag Fhloinn on a range of ancient Irish instruments and more. Finally, our chorus, made up of fairies and humans fill out the sound, featuring Gavin Moore, Thaddeus Ó Buachalla, Nell Ní Chróinín and Gearóid Ó Duinnín. 

The full list of contributors includes an astounding seventeen people. Visit www.fí to see the full list of cast and musicians.


Scáthán is ea scéal Fhíoruisce a léiríonn an choimhlint idir an cine daonna agus an húbras. Caithfidh ríthe agus banríona éisteacht le cogar a muintire nó tarraingeoidh siad tubaist orthu fhéin. An bhfaca tú aon duine dár sióga le linn do thurais? Ná bí buartha, chonaiceamarna tusa!


Tá tú ar tí Gníomh a Trí a chloisteáil anois, bí ar d’airdeall ar an gceol si, seans go dtarraingeofar chuig Tír na nÓg thú! Déan an Cód QR a scanadh ar do ghuthán chun teacht ar Gníomh a Trí. Léigh ar aghaidh le fáil amach faoin albam draíochta uaillmhianach coincheap seo le John Spillane a bhfuil tú ag éisteacht leis agus na hamhránaithe agus na ceoltóirí atá le cloisint ann.


Tánn tú ag éisteacht leis na sár-ghuthanna is binne in Éirinn; Ríoghnach Connolly, Eoghan Ó Ceannabháin, Niamh Farrell, John é fhéin agus eile. Taifeadadh an t-albam i Wavefield Studios i gCloich na Coillte, léirithe ag Brian Casey. Ba iad Brian, Aisling Urwin ar an gcláirseach, Alan Doherty ar an bhfeadóg mhór, Billy Mag Fhloinn ar raon uirlisí ársa na hÉireann agus go leor eile a chruthaigh an ceol cúlra seo. Ar deireadh, líonann an cúrfa, déanta suas de shióga agus daoine daonna an ceoldreach, le Gavin Moore, Thaddeus Ó Buachalla, Nell Ní Chróinín agus Gearóid Ó Duinnín.

Ina iomláine, tá seacht nduine dhéag le cloisteál ag canadh agus ag seinnt anseo. Tabhair cuairt ar www.fí chun liosta iomlán na hamhránaithe agus na gceoltóirí a fháil.

℗ and ⓒ John Spillane 2022. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting is prohibited.

Inspired Records 005

All songs composed by John Spillane IMRO MCPS

Gach Ceart ar Cosnamh. Tá cosc ar aon chóipeáil, fruiliú, iasachtú, taibhiú poiblí agus craoladh neamhúdaraithe.

Ceol cumtha ag John Spillane IMRO MCPS

All illustrations, album cover layout and website design by Megan Clancy Creative 

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